Happy Birthday our little Lucy,
Each year your birthday sneaks up on us. March always feels so far away when January is 70 years long, then February is over before you know it and bam… its March.
You sneaked into my bed this morning, cupped your hand around my face and whispered in my ear that we should just take the day off and sneak out for a cinnamon bun and right then I knew you were mine. You love nothing more than sneaking a day off with me, to go for a bun and to get a new book at the charity shop while the others are busy at school. You try daily to convince me that I should take you to work with me, because soon you’ll be in school and won’t be able to come when ever I like.
You know exactly what you want and how you want it and once you have your mind set on something, there isn’t much anyone can do to change it.
Never lose that.
It feels like the shortest 4 years of my life. Lucy, you one of the smallest, yet feistiest humans on the planet and I’m still slightly in denial about just how quickly my smallest baby is growing up.
My last of firsts and I am soaking them all up,
Love you,
Mama x
Lucy Arrival Post
Lucy First Birthday Post
Lucy Second Birthday Post
Lucy | you are three
Lucy, you are FOUR! | Happy Birthday
You can scroll below for some sweet birthday portraits too! She’s such a cracker!

Happy Birthday Lucy! I cannot believe that it is 4 years already!
I follow all your lives with love and interest. Xx