Thank you! A HUGE thank you to everyone who took part, nominated and voted for Simply Ruby in the MAD Blog Awards 2013.
I got to go to the awards ceremony in London and meet some of the most fabulous ladies (& gents) at the event. I even got to meet Dr Ranj from CBeebies!
I was so honoured to be a finalist in the Photography Category and a HUGE well done to Lucy, from Captured by Lucy who won. *high five*
I shared a room with Fillipa from Gourmet Mum. Hilarious. Best roomie ever award goes right to her.
I have left completely inspired and I feel like my life has already taken a little turn for the better. I am making a promise right now to update more often and share a little more of our life with you guys. We have some exciting things coming up in 2014 and I can’t wait to share it!
Zoe xo
The Mad’s are a real highlight of my year. I always leave so inspired too. Lovely to meet you and put a name to a face.
I couldn’t have asked to have shared dinner with anyone more lovely! What a pleasure! xxx
Exciting things, eh? Can’t wait to hear more.