Have you heard the good news? As of Friday Scotland is open and the travel ban will be lifted. We’ll be free to roam out with our local areas and around the whole of Scotland and I couldn’t be more excited! I’m not going to be planning anything right away, but It’s exciting to know that we can go on adventures if the notion should hit.

Instagram have been rolling out a couple of new features over the last few months. Reels & Guides have been all over feeds, as if you hadn’t noticed already. Guides are a lovely little feature you can use to curate and showcase some of your favourite posts in one wee spot. Almost like a mini blog post of your favourite things.

I’ve jumped right in and made a few already just in time for those adventures. You can click the images below to visit each guide over on My Little Edinburgh, and save them for that day you finally get to visit!

Want to see more guides? Or more of Scotland? Let me know where! We’ll be making travel plans soon! But most of all, let me know the place you can’t wait to visit first!


  1. Reply


    September 27, 2021

    Love from a Bostonian who loves your ā€œlittle wildingsā€ pages! So happy I found you on such a depressing day in Florida missing Autumn in New England! Your photos and family are beautiful!

    • Reply

      My Little Wildlings

      October 27, 2022

      Thank you so much! Hope you get to visit Edinburgh some day šŸ™‚

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