My Sweet Ruby | Little Letters

My Sweet Ruby,

I’m not sure where to start and I know the more I write these the easier they will just flow from me to the page.

This last few months you’ve become miss independent.  You insist on dressing yourself, usually in your snow white dress when we have important places to go and most days your wellies are on the wrong feet.   But you like it that way.  You’ve found your love for glitter and all things pink and can’t understand why my favourite colour is green.  You’re no longer a baby, but a proper little girl who whispers secrets in my ears.  ‘Mummy, you are so sweet, I need to kiss your face’. 

We are about to embark on a life changing moment.  We are moving home and your whole life is about to change.  Every day you ask me if you can join the big girls in the nursery and if we can live closer to the seaside so we can have picnics at the beach.  There is nothing I would love to do more every single day.   I can’t wait to spend time with you instead of near you. working.  Always working. 

You’re ready to head out and make your mark in the world and I can’t wait to see what you do.  I’m excited for you to be surrounded with friends and listen the little girly chatter and giggling.  Life is about to change. 

I love you, 

Mamma xo




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One thought on “My Sweet Ruby | Little Letters

  1. Jenna

    Ruby looks so grown up, I really wish we lived closer, I love how you document all the moments it’s such a thing to cherish


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