Goodbye January | Me & Mine

I can’t believe January has come and gone so quickly.  It’s been a pretty lovely start to 2015.  I celebrated my 31st birthday.  The babies learnt to roll over.  I got to see Wicked & the little ones finally started sleeping through the night. *yay*
This year, in order to become a better blogger, and by better I mean actually blog, I decided to take part in a few photo challenges.

The first is the Me & Mine project.
A little project hosted by:

Dear Beautiful Boy | Capture By Lucy | Bump to Baby | Tigerlilly Quinn | Let’s Talk Mommy | Mummy Daddy Me

I have so many photographs of my family, so so many.  But it’s not very often I get infront of the camera. I want to be able to show the little ones all these beautiful memories when they grow up.  So taking part in this project I’m hoping to have a lot more of us all together.

dear beautiful

Me & Mine | January 2015

2014 was a tough year so I plan to make 2015 as fantastic as I can.  This year we have a trip to Slovenia to celebrate the wedding of uncle Graeme and his lovely fiancee Natalia.  They are by far one of the sweetest couples you will ever meet.  We hopefully have a family get away for New Year.  I’m working with a lovely new brand, that I can’t wait to show you!

Here’s what we got up to in January!

1/365 Today I turned 31 & with every birthday comes a new year. 365 new days to be wonderful. Go... Go and be amazing!
Today I turned 31 & with every birthday comes a new year. 365 new days to be wonderful. Go… Go and be amazing!
We have days when we all love to stay in our jammies, eat bowls of fruit and watch films on tv. I pulled a muscle in my neck earlier and can’t lift any of the babies. Thankfully daddy is home.
Harry. His smile lights up his whole face and he loves nothing more than a cosy hug.
There are worse ways to wake up in the morning. I’m so thankful for a full night sleep and that I get to wake to these smiles each day. She loves on them every second she gets.
She’s taking her new love for yoga very seriously. I love that we are starting a little fitness together and that she’s so excited every day to do a new pose.
6/365 My post is a little late today. The babies are off, I think teething has kicked in. They are unsettled and wake from naps crying. It took me 2 hours to settle them this afternoon and all they wanted to do was snuggle. They have an incredible bond, it's beautiful to watch.
My post is a little late today. The babies are off, I think teething has kicked in. They are unsettled and wake from naps crying. It took me 2 hours to settle them this afternoon and all they wanted to do was snuggle. They have an incredible bond, it’s beautiful to watch.
7/365 Let's try something new. She doesn't look too impressed.
Let’s try something new. She doesn’t look too impressed.
8/365 These guys are all settled with Nana and I'm being treated to a afternoon at the theatre for my birthday to see #wicked I can't wait!!!
These guys are all settled with Nana and I’m being treated to a afternoon at the theatre for my birthday to see #wicked I can’t wait!!!
9/365 Everyone is going to grandma's tomorrow. Daddy is working and I've got 11 hours. Alone. ALONE! I'll be able to wee without an audience. Have you ever seen a prouder big sister?
Everyone is going to grandma’s tomorrow. Daddy is working and I’ve got 11 hours. Alone. ALONE! I’ll be able to wee without an audience. Have you ever seen a prouder big sister?
10/365 I always clear my Christmas decorations a few days before new year, not quite ready to let go of my @anthropologie Christmas mug yet. I was in need of a very large cup of tea! It's super rare to find a 'Z' on anything!
I always clear my Christmas decorations a few days before new year, not quite ready to let go of my @anthropologie Christmas mug yet. I was in need of a very large cup of tea! It’s super rare to find a ‘Z’ on anything!
Picking up the littles from Grandmas. It was so strange without them. It was quiet and date I say it.. A little boring. But was a much welcomed break.
12/365 Today. Today was busy. Today was crazy. Today was tearful. Today was hard. Today was today. Tomorrow, well that's a brand new day.
Today. Today was busy. Today was crazy. Today was tearful. Today was hard. Today was today. Tomorrow, well that’s a brand new day.
13/365 Keeping the house calm. Following routine. Sharing quiet time with this one. I've missed spending 1:1 time with her
Keeping the house calm. Following routine. Sharing quiet time with this one. I’ve missed spending 1:1 time with her.
14/365 Paperwork. Laundry. Mess & happy (ish) babies. Pretty much my life right now. This was once my dining room.
Paperwork. Laundry. Mess & happy (ish) babies. Pretty much my life right now. This was once my dining room.
15/365 A poorly kid thrown into the mix, it kinda throws your whole day up in the air and any routine right out the window. But you've just got to go with it. Introduced her to #Annie today. She LOVED it!
A poorly kid thrown into the mix, it kinda throws your whole day up in the air and any routine right out the window. But you’ve just got to go with it. Introduced her to #Annie today. She LOVED it!
16/365 Today. Today is good and I feel like I'm winning. Nap time. Done
Today. Today is good and I feel like I’m winning. Nap time. Done
17/365 That smile? Yeah that's on his face, because no less than 5 minutes ago he was snuggled up with his sister on the play mat, I went to grab a cuppa and come back to him over here. Harry can no longer be trusted...
That smile? Yeah that’s on his face, because no less than 5 minutes ago he was snuggled up with his sister on the play mat, I went to grab a cuppa and come back to him over here. Harry can no longer be trusted…
18/365 Treated to a birthday night at the cinema from the super lovely @zoestewart83. Home, cuppa and snoozing babies. It's quiet...
Treated to a birthday night at the cinema from the super lovely @zoestewart83. Home, cuppa and snoozing babies. It’s quiet…
19/365 Harry, you don't dare tell him he can't eat anything. Especially that of the card variety. Doesn't seem 5 minutes ago I was posting 'we are 4 months'
Harry, you don’t dare tell him he can’t eat anything. Especially that of the card variety. Doesn’t seem 5 minutes ago I was posting ‘we are 4 months’
20/365 Teething babies.
Teething babies.
21/365 Posting this one late. I was struck down with the awful sickness bug that has been hanging around and spent most of yesterday in bed. This was the only little hug I managed before I had to go back to bed.
Posting this one late. I was struck down with the awful sickness bug that has been hanging around and spent most of yesterday in bed. This was the only little hug I managed before I had to go back to bed.
22/365 Still feeling a little under the weather, so nana has taken the babies to hers for the night so I can rest. I miss them already! So it's a cosy night in for me & Ruby.
Still feeling a little under the weather, so nana has taken the babies to hers for the night so I can rest. I miss them already! So it’s a cosy night in for me & Ruby.
23/365 The babies are still with nana, so I had a very much needed cake date with my big girl. I still feel pretty rough but it was so lovely to spend so much time with her. She's grown so much in the last few months and I feel like I haven't been able to enjoy her much. Today was a welcomed break full of giggles
The babies are still with nana, so I had a very much needed cake date with my big girl. I still feel pretty rough but it was so lovely to spend so much time with her. She’s grown so much in the last few months and I feel like I haven’t been able to enjoy her much. Today was a welcomed break full of giggles.

24/365 Harry has clung to me all day. I think he's next in line for the dreaded bug we've all had.

25/365 Mama was right. He's been a little clingy today, really hope those teeth pop trough soon!
Mama was right. He’s been a little clingy today, really hope those teeth pop trough soon!
26/365 Harry. As happy as always. He wasn't a fan of the 'big bath'. Or Emily splashing him
Harry. As happy as always. He wasn’t a fan of the ‘big bath’. Or Emily splashing him
27/365 Always with that worried broo. A wee trial snack before bed. Seems to be going well.
Always with that worried broo. A wee trial snack before bed. Seems to be going well.
28/365 Teething has caused our routine to go a little haywire. I'm not sure who needs the extra hugs more today
Teething has caused our routine to go a little haywire. I’m not sure who needs the extra hugs more today.
29/365 Nap time. This is it. Rosy cheeks, grumpy babies, no sleep.... Hope these teeth appear soon! #m4hp365 P.s they were hysterical moments before I stood on the bed. Which they found hilarious
Nap time. This is it. Rosy cheeks, grumpy babies, no sleep…. Hope these teeth appear soon! #m4hp365 P.s they were hysterical moments before I stood on the bed. Which they found hilarious.


30/365 She's such a beautiful big sister. Today she was teaching the babies how to play guitar. I think Harrys got it....
She’s such a beautiful big sister. Today she was teaching the babies how to play guitar. I think Harrys got it….

More about My Little Wildlings

10 thoughts on “Goodbye January | Me & Mine

  1. Amber

    What lovely pictures! I feel as though you’ve really shared your family with us. My twins are just a few months younger than yours, so it’s fun to follow your posts and get a little glimpse into what the future might look like for us.


  2. Jenny

    Aghh wow you have had a full month. Happy birthday I turned 31 late dec it’s a funny Bday nothing big to celebrate but after 30 you want to lol love all your fun photos. Look forward to your blog this year. Hope the little ones stop teething bless. #meandmine


  3. Alex {Bump to Baby}

    I love your family photo! It’s gorgeous and the light coming through the tree’s is stunning. I’ve actually just discovered your blog and am now following along 🙂 x


  4. Emma Shilton

    Just found your blog via #meandmine and what a lovely blog it is. Super family photograph for January, looking forward to seeing more throughout the year x


  5. Natalie @ Little Jam Pot Life Blog

    Lovely set of images here Zoe! I love that family portrait too! the light is stunning! Your three little ones are beautiful. I hope I look as good as you at 31. I look so old for 25..(and a half!) x x x


  6. Heledd

    You have so many beautiful shots and some beautiful reasons for capturing so many special moments. I Love the Me and Mine project, it’s such a great idea.


  7. Lucy @ Dear Beautiful

    I love this photo of you all Zoe, and your words ring true with me too, about how you have lots of family photos but want to be able to share memories of you with the children too. Thats kind of how Me and Mine started, because I wanted to be present in those memories, not always hiding behind the camera. And what a lovely idea to share your whole months daily photos too, such a great round up of the month. x


  8. Katie @mummydaddyme

    I adore looking at your photos on instagram Zoe, one of my favourite feeds. I loved it before when it was just Ruby and I love it even more now you have your other beautiful twosome in the clan as well. That photo of you all at the top is stunning. xx


  9. Stephanie

    Ah lovely photos, looks like you had a full month! Great to see you in front of the camera as well!


  10. Rizal

    What a sweet picture! We are eeciptxng our first boy in April. (We have a 2-year-old daughter.) I can’t wait to see how fun it is to be a mama to a boy! I’d love to link up with you!


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