Before we had kids we would get up late, grab a coffee and slowly wander around the town, pointing out our favourite buildings. Which one we would move into if we won the lottery, what colour we would paint the door and which window my home office would look out from, with a window box full of my favourite flowers. We’d spend hours people watching and sipping on our drinks as the rest of the world rushed by.

Then we had kids. We don’t get to walk quite so slowly in town, but we do get to wander around and spot things we’ve seen a million times and absolutely love, or find something completely new to fall in love with. The kids love pointing out the smallest details, cats peering out of 5th floor windows or tiny details we’ve never noticed before like faint dates etched into a wall. Kids wander with their heads up, something we’ve forgotten how to do as adults so they spot little details quicker.

We’ve picked our forever family home at least half a dozen times and can never decide which part of town we’d love to live in most. White Horse Close is a firm favourite of mine and Circus Lane is a very close second.
I have always imagined having a slow walk in the morning to go get coffee from a local shop. Walking while the town is still sleeping and taking it back to the house with some cinnamon buns. Sitting by the window cosy watching the city wake and start the day.

This year the Edinburgh festival was cancelled due to Covid, like a lot of things were. Town is quiet, and a little eerie with how empty it can be some days, with a handful of local tourists, but not quite the 2.4m extra visitors we normally see on our streets. There are no crowds handing out fliers to one of the 1,000 shows that normally fill the pavements, no street shows calling you to come watch a preview and no market stalls to browse while you walk.
To locals it feels a strange, quieter than the normal bustling streets would on any other day, but quite nice that we get to enjoy our city a little without having to make our way through the crowds.

You can wander up the Royal Mile and still see a few magic tricks being performed on the famous cobbles, stop by JK Rowling’s hand prints at the City Chambers, or reenact a scene from Outlander in one of over 70 closes the Royal Mile has to offer, you’ll want to head to Bakehouse Close for Jamie’s Printshop scene.
Our favourite spots are sprinkled throughout the city and are all within easy walking distance to one another, with strategically placed ice cream & hot chocolate stops all on the way. And sometimes a wee swing on a fence for good measure.

The tree’s have changed what felt like over night and winter is closer than I realised. The weather became sharper than I remember November being, and the nip in the air means there won’t be any running around in kilts without tights for a wee while.

Edinburgh is currently in Tier 3 on the Covid scale so we can’t just nip in and wander like we used to until the restrictions have lifted a little, but as soon as we are allowed we will be first in line for a hot chocolate at any of our favourite stops! We’ve got our list ready and can’t wait to be allowed back around the city.

For more days with kids in Edinburgh you can visit Instagram @MyLittleWildings or Edinburgh @MyLittleEdinburgh