Categories: Motherhood

Winter | Happy List #2

There isn’t enough knitwear or layers to keep me cosy in the winter.  I love the snow.. to look at.  I don’t particularly like being out in it.  I don’t like the feeling of super cold toes or when the end of my nose goes numb.  The kids are huge whiners in the snow (which is a gene they got from me) and I don’t blame them.
If I don’t have to go out I won’t, I’ll avoid it at all costs.  I mean, Edinburgh is stunning in the winter, it really is.  But I much prefer it from the window.

Snuggling, with candles and tea on the sofa while watching our third disney movie of the day is my idea of bliss. All winter.
School should offer a collection service and deliver cake to parents when they pick the kids up, along with some hot chocolate.

What I’m Reading:
Milk & Honey, by Rupi Kaur.
It’s so beautifully written and is something so relaxing to get lost in at bedtime.
I’ve never been a massive reader, theres always something I’ve had to do that was a little more important, but for 2018 my goal is a little more self care and taking time out to do things I love that little bit more.

What I’m Watching:
The End of the F***ing World – Netflix
A comedy drama about two teenagers.  It had me giggling and I binge watched the entire series over one weekend when some of the kids were at their grandparents, instead of organising and cleaning like I said I was going too.  Was totally worth it and the soundtrack is ace too!

What I’m Listening too:
The Slow Home Podcast – It’s a lovely calming podcast with some ideas on how to live slower and more simplified.
beats the whole glorification of ‘busy’ that seems to be overtaking a little right now.  It’s nice to listen to something that encourages ways of slowing down and throws tips in too.

Where I’m Going:
So far we haven’t actually got any plans for the year, although winter makes me want to jump ship to ANYWHERE that has even a glimpse of sunshine.
I’d love to book a little weekend away in a cabin, or something calm and cosy where the kids can run around all day.
it gets harder to choose and go on holidays the more kids you have, pleasing all the ages and the physics of getting there.  So, while they are small we are trying as many ‘stay-cations’ as we can.

Who I’m loving:
Hayley – @The3littlestavenger
She’s a new mum of twins and a toddler too.  Her images are just beautiful and we are currently trying to convince her to start her own blog, because I think it would be amazing.
You can click and pop over to her instagram.  If you get broody, you can’t say I didn’t warm you…

What have you got going on right now?  If you have a podcast or episode of something you’ve loved, I would love to know about it.
Pop it below and let me know whats on your happy list this winter xo

My Little Wildlings:
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