When you only have ONE dress | No Jeans Challenge

Zoe Stewart, BA Hons Fashion and Textiles.  Seriously.  I have a degree in fashion after years of studies at uni, long nights, drunken mostly in the student union, I could whip you up a dress in an hour if I really wanted to, yet I’m not a fashion blogger.  I can’t get the posing right and I have one dress that I wear to every event I’m invited to and I think I’ve forgotten how to be fashionable and lets not even go into the confidence thing right now.  Kids.

She’s wearing it again. >insert eye roll here<

I have one dress.  One.  Don’t get me wrong, I adore it, I really love it, I feel lovely when I wear it, and team it with my little red polka shoes and its a little confidence boosting winner. Then, when I wore it, the kids would ask me where I was going, even they noticed I had on my ‘event’ dress.

After 4 kids my shape changed.  I gained hips and a mum tum.  I didn’t have them before and a lot of my clothing does’t fit me quite like it did.  So I have a row of dresses in my wardrobe that no longer fit my new shape, but I refuse to get rid of, incase that one day I get to the gym I magically fit back into them.  I won’t.

We went to Circus Lane. By far one of the most instagrammable streets in all of Edinburgh and without a doubt one of my favourite.  A group of people walk by every 3-6 minutes to take photos, probably for their Instagrams too, so I threw myself in at the deep end trying to be super comfortable infront of the camera.  I wore the dress.  I nervous laughed. I pulled faces.  I stomped a little in a bit of a huff when the photos didn’t look like they did in my head and I for sure could not get the ‘holding a little strand of hair’ pose at all. So, instead,  we held hands and we ate ice cream.  A couple stopped and complimented my dress, they offered to take a photo of us together.  We ate all the food and walked around all the streets.  People stopped and complimented my shoes and I skipped along the streets in the sunshine.  Comfortable in my one instagrammable outfit and wondering how I can make the rest of my wardrobe feel the same.

I decided this month now the warmer weather is coming, to challenge myself to have a week of wearing anything but jeans.  It’s so easy to throw them on in the morning with a baggy jumper and just go.  It’s the old trick of wearing bright lipstick on down days in the effort to make yourself look more awake when you’ve had a sleepless night.

Don’t get me wrong, jeans are ace.  Good for running around with the kids and being able to squat without the fear of flashing someone.  But I feel like they are my laziest option for dressing in the morning and I can start to feel a bit slobby in them after a week straight of grabbing them as soon as I’m awake.

So, one whole week without jeans,  I’m pretty sure it can be done?  It means I’ll have to wash my hair more often, but lets give it a bash.  Denim dungarees count as jeans too, so those are off the ‘cheat’ list.  I’d put active wear on there too but I currently don’t own any and I’ll be trying my hardest not to throw the same thing on more than once.  I’ll be posting them all here at the end of the week, which starts tomorrow.  I am only posting here so I am held accountable and actually do it.

Lets see how many other outfits I can muster up from my wardrobe! Then we can move onto being comfortable infant of the camera.  Ready?  Lets go!

My Little Wildlings:

View Comments (2)

  • Can't join you on the 'no jeans' thing as I only have 2 dresses and I work 5 days a week but good luck! The ice cream pictures you posted made this pregnant woman crave ice cream so this is my target for the holidays: Find the best ice cream shop in Oxford :)

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