Coffee Shop Journals | The Restoration Yard, Dalkeith

I’ve never been alone.  I’ve always had someone at home with me.  When Ruby started nursery the twins had just arrived.  And then Lucy arrived when the twins were just little and I had 3 under 18 months, which meant I was never far from a tiny person.  I didn’t venture far with the twins when they were tiny, the furthest I would go would be into town, and with a double buggy that didn’t fit in the shops, it felt a bit of a wasted trip.  So, we mostly stayed home and had the odd friend around. But things change constantly around here, you just get settled into a bit of a new routine and then *bam* something new happens.

Ruby goes to school & for just a few hours a day the twins go to nursery, and when Lucy was a baby I’d walk her in the pram for a nap after drop off and sit with a cuppa & do some work in the nearest cafe until she was ready to wake.  But now, she doesn’t need a nap (she does but would never admit it), but we still walk to the nearest cafe and have tea and ice cream.  It’s become a bit of a weekly date for us.  I don’t get to work any more but the company is lovely and we love spending time chatting over a cup of tea and some apple juice.

I started taking our little dates for granted and just assumed this is the way my life would always be.  I got a letter through a few days ago and it was an application for Lucy to start the community nursery, along with Harry & Emily.  How can she be almost 3 already?  It’s only 3 hours a day but it makes a massive impact to routine.  My little tea shop buddy will be gone and I’ll be alone 3 hours a day.  Meaning I can wee in peace.  It’s going to be so strange with a quiet house and the mum guilt of having to work from home while they run around the house should disappear.  A little.  But its exciting.  To have some time just for me.  I could take up a hobby, finish more than one book a year or maybe even post more than once a month.  I COULD NAP!  I’ve never napped before….

But, I’ll be honest, I’m not really ready for it.  It almost feels like too much change all at once after never being alone for the last few years.  How do you prepare or get used to such a change?  Lucy is SO ready for it.  The girl is beyond her years and asks each day when we drop the twins if its her turn yet.  I can’t wait to see the happiness on her face when I tell her it is.  She’s going to be delighted!  Now, there’s no advice needed on how to prepare your child for starting nursery, but is there a way to prepare the mum thats realizing as she’s typing that her last and final baby is leaving for nursery?

The Lovely Amber from Meet the Wildes joined in with a tea journals post this month!  We wanted to work together a little this year and I can’t wait for her to visit Edinburgh, because now I’ve typed it, she has too, right?  You can hop on over and see her gorgeous work by clicking here: Meet the Wildes.

I ADORE Amber and her work her tones and style is crazy beautiful and I love soaking it all up in her beautiful words.  You won’t regret it!

My Little Wildlings:

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  • Zoë, it seems so long ago that I dropped my last at nursery and had 'free' time ( as in no kids.... ) but I'm at the other end of the spectrum now with an almost 21 year old,an almost 19 year old and Callum at 14.5...... it doesn't get any easier when they move out, stop coming home, have their own plans at the weekend and you're alone with your best friend/husband...
    You suddenly realise that you are no longer needed as much, meal times are for 2 instead of 5, or when they're all here with gf's and kids of their own it jumps to 8....
    Enjoy, this time for you... you've done an amazing job so far.
    Lots of love xxx

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