Categories: Motherhood

Spring | Happy List #3

This week was the first official week of spring here in the UK.  Sadly, I think someone forgot to tell our weather.  It was bitterly cold, but for the first time the sun was shining and the skies were blue.

I am so ready for the sunlight on my shoulders, the birds singing early in the mornings, and the kids being able to go to school and nursery without a million layers on and a hat that we can never find.  Everyone has that happy little spring in their step when the sun shines and it makes me oh so happy.
If the skies today were anything to go by, we are in for a good one.

What I’m Reading:
Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine, by Gail Honeyman.
I’ve heard so many good things about this book so picked myself up a copy.  Now, It’s been a few weeks and I am only on chapter 5 but, so far…. so good.
I’ve been reading 1-2 pages here and there, while potty training and sitting with the kids in the bath and that one time I got to go on the train on my own for 18 minutes.
I’m excited to see what happens and actually finish a book this year.  Small goals, right?

What I’m Watching:
The Martian – Netflix
I’m not a huge fan of space films, the closest I got was Armageddon and it was only because I was a bit of a Bruce Willis fan.  The husbands movie choice this week was The Martian.
Yay.  A movie about Mars.  I can’t wait.
Seriously, such a good movie, if you haven’t seen it yet, I’d really recommend it, I was laughing, I was crying.  And for a few moments it felt like I lived right there on Mars.

What I’m Listening too:
Apart from The Greatest Showman soundtrack on repeat I’m still trying to find a good podcast that I can listen to while I do my morning cleaning.  I have a bit of a routine going with the twins in nursery and try and keep on top of all the daily stuff, so it’s nice to have something on in the background while I made 500 beds each day.  Suggestions are always welcome for this one.  Coffee & Crumbs has been suggested so many time so that ones on the list.

Where I’m Going:
I am being lucky enough to be invited along to the Easter Saturday Race Day at Musselburgh Racecourse.  I’ve never made it to race day but I’ve always really wanted to go!  The kids adore horses and will be thrilled when they find out we are going.  It’s set to be a really fun day out with fairground rides, a kids zone and an easter egg hunt, along with good food and music, whats not to like?  I’ll be popping the day on Insta Stories to share with you guys, but if you fancy coming along and joining in the fun, you can do here: Musselburgh Racecourse.  Theres a hashtag too #horsingaround if you are just a little too far and want to catch up with it.  If you are going, pop me a little message, would be lovely to see some faces I know…

Who I’m loving:
Taza, I mean, have you seen her?  She’s currently having twin girls and her gorgeous bump is EVERYTHING.  She lives with her husband and 3 adorable littles in NYC and has the yummiest wardrobe.
I’ve followed Naomi for a really long time on instagram and love her blog so much.  It was one of the first that made me feel like there was more to being a mum.  You can be a wonderful mum, yet still dress to impress and live your dreams all at the same time as wearing the most perfect shade of lipstick.
You can follow Naomi’s instagram here: Taza
You.  Will.  Be. Hooked.
I’m not even sorry!

What have you got going on right now?  If you have a podcast or episode of something you’ve loved, I would love to know about it.
Pop it below and let me know whats on your happy list this Spring xo

My Little Wildlings:
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