I blogged about this back in January: HERE. I thought by posting it I’d blog about it monthly and I’d kind of hold myself accountable for it.
I’ve still been taking the pictures every month, but when it came to share them, they didn’t feel good enough. Which, ironically, defeats the purpose of the whole project, but I had this pang of doubt and just couldn’t post them. I felt too vulnerable. I made excuses. I put it off. Avoiding it every chance I had. And yet, they were meant to be little fleeting moments, nothing fancy, just something to assure I was there. No matter how I looked, a way of documenting how I felt, how we worked as a family unit, just snapping them in an instant when the fancy took. Whether I was doing the dishes, hanging the washing or helping them into their jacket sleeves because they don’t quite manage it some mornings. All the little things we’ll forget and that we don’t realise we’ll miss, until we miss them.
I started an instagram hashtag, it’s had close to 2,000 tags, which is amazing and there are so many inspiringly beautiful shots been shared already. So I decided to set up an instagram feed for it too, somewhere I can share the shots I love and get more of you involved and in the frame. It’s fairly new, but you can follow it here: Motherhood Magic Instagram.
So, from now on I’ll be sharing these monthly. No matter what I shoot, how imperfect they are and will be sharing my favourites over on instagram too. Let me know if you’ll be joining in, it would be lovely to have you!
You don’t have to own any fancy equipment, phone snaps (which some of these are) are just as good, all you need is to be present, you can be as creative, or as simple as you like.
You in?
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Will be sure I tag #motherhood_magic on my posts with my tiny baby ;) Such a lovely initiative!