Motherhood Magic | January

I am THE most awkward person in the world to photograph.  How many times have you heard me say that?  But I am changing that this year, it might not happen right away and I’m not saying I’m going to be running to be in photographs.  But the aim is to be a little less Chandler bing and a little more confident when a camera points anywhere near my direction.

My logic is, the more I’m in them, the less scary it will be after a while? Maybe?

But I want to do this for me.  The kids too, but mostly me.  I want to have the memories when I’m old and they are grown.  I want to remember how tiny their hands were with mine and how they all enjoyed a snuggle on the beach, or piled on during the Disney movie marathons.  I want to remember how we all fit together and how everyone snuggles right in and mostly gets along, at least for the camera.  They won’t always all fit on my knee (lets be honest, they don’t all fit now). So, I’ll take it when I can.  I had a little chunk of shots to share with you today but my card corrupted and this was all I was left with.
How ironic.

I’ve been taking a few here and there (when I’ve remembered) and tried to be a little more comfortable around the front of the camera.

I’ve been using the hashtag #Motherhood_Magic over on instagram and encouraging other mums (and dads too if you like) to get in the frame there too, sort of a little group that will hold me accountable each month.

I’d love to share my favourites from the hashtag every month so heres are my favorites for January:

*Hannah Straughan* 
Instagram: Hannah.Straughan

Could these images be any happier?  I adore them! The tones, that pop of red and all those snuggly arms.  They are just lovely!  Hannah’s feed is so clean and simple with the sweetest pops of red.  I am SO glad you joined in this month!


Instagram: PictureTakerMemoryMaker

I got to meet Chloe a few years ago at a blog event when Lucy was just a few weeks old.  She’s a Mama of 3 of the cutest humans and just an all round lovely person. Her feed is just as delightful as she is and her ability to document her days is nothing short of lovely.  Just look at those faces!

*Hannah Lucy*
Instagram: HannahLucy86

Who can say no to a combo of pink and yellow?  Hannah is one of the kindest humans I have ever met, I got to meet Hannah during a blog event in Southampton last year, we keep saying we’ll meet in the middle, but with kids just haven’t had the chance yet.  Soon Hannah!  She is stylish and rocks an OOTD, and can crush it with a kid in the frame, so perfect for #Motherhood_Magic.

I would LOVE for you to join in.  You don’t have to post each month and it doesn’t have to be anything super fancy.  Just you, your kids and #motherhood_magic, can’t wait to see you!

My Little Wildlings:

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