Just a few hours in Edinburgh | Amelie Inspired

I never really appreciated living in Edinburghwhen I was younger, not really.  It’s stunning and I adore living here but sometimes its wild and chaotic (hello Festival) and it’s beauty is completely taken for granted.  Sometimes It’s just nice to be a tourist in your own town.  To wander the streets and always look up and spot things you’ve never seen before.  Walk down a street you’ve never gone down or stop by a little cafe you’ve never spotted.

I had asked if anyone knew of a local cafe that was green inside, there was a handful of suggestions, all for the same place, 101 Bakery.  So I decided to check it out on my next tea date with one of the wee ones.  I’d never seen it before and must have passed it a hundred times on the bus.  The entire exterior was green and pink and they served the worlds BEST warm cinnamon buns with extra glaze.  Their tea was pretty delicious too and we all know how fussy I can be with a good breakfast tea.

Emily had the biggest slice of chocolate cake that she ended up taking home in a box and a sweet little can of fizzy orange.  We sat by the window for almost an hour and planned where in town she wanted to go.

1:1 time is like gold dust in our house.  But if one of us can sneak away with just one of the four for a few hours we do. Even if its just a cup of hot chocolate and some cake.  To watch one of them dance at the end of a ballet class or to go a little wander to the shops for milk, via the park for a quick go on the swings.

And you forget, what they are like when they are alone.  You notice their little quirks more, when they get first choice on things and theres no compromise on any of their choices.  And they just get to be themselves.

Emily is hilarious, really really funny. She’s a little free spirit who loves running barefoot around the grass, picking flowers and ‘helping’ bugs.  You’ll hear her tiny little feet skip across the floor of the house as she seeks you out for a hug.  She’s just a tiny bit of magic with glowing red hair and that one little ringlet that falls right down the front of her face.

We skipped through Edinburgh with our ‘Amelie’ shoot in mind.  Emily pointed out every green door and wall she could find and a few red ones too.  We stopped for raspberries to take that iconic Amelie shot and she ate the entire punnet before I got one on each finger, which she found hilarious.

It was only a few hours in town in between the ballet run but it was so welcomed, a change of pace and lovely to watch her dance along the streets, pick up flowers and find ladybugs.

I really loved shooting just for me, I love that Emily indulged me and that I got to spend some time with just her, her freckles and that perfectly scrunched nose when she giggles.

My Little Wildlings:
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