Dunbar | UK days out for kids

Do you have a place that feels like home, yet a big adventure all at the same time?  For us, its the beach. It can be any beach.  Anywhere, as long as we are together.

Dunbar, which I’ve shared before, is one of our favourite spots.  It’s rural and quiet and we are usually the one ones wandering around, which we love, no fighting for a corner to pop a towel down. The sea air is calming and the sound of the waves and seagulls behind the children laughing.  Harry chasing the girls with some empty little crab shell and everyone filling their pockets with tiny shells and special rocks.  We can spend hours pottering around and collecting stones.  Theres always the aim of finding the best one, in an obscure shape or colour or even better, with a face on it or some kind of cute pattern.  I never win but I do leave with the prettiest handfuls of sea glass.

This is the closest I’ve ever come to camping.  I normally toast marshmallows on the gas cooker and enjoy the comfort of my own home will I stuff my 4th flaming mallow into my face.  Camping to me is a week in a cabin at a popular resort with swimming, hand dryers and somewhere to plug in my straighteners.  I’ve never fancied staying outdoors in a tent, its never felt very safe, I think I watched too many scary movies when I was younger.  But I’d give a camper van a go, and would love to do a couple of weeks in the summer with the kids in one.  Do they do those big enough for 6?  I’ll need to do some investigating.

I blogged once in February.

It would seem that when I have control over one bit of my life I drop another. I haven’t been able to concentrate.  I get the laptop to type and my head is filled with noise, so I close it and say I’ll try later.  And before I knew it, its March. The end of March too.  One day I’ll get the balance right and get to post a few times a week.  I’ve got so much to share with you and can’t wait to do that this year.

Last month my Motherhood Magic shots were us at the beach, it would seem that since this months are too, its where I feel a little more comfortable.  My husband didn’t make a fuss and silently snapped away as we chilled out around the fire and the kids were thrilled we remembered to bring marshmallows with us.

You can join in with it on instagram if you like.  By tagging images of you with your little ones with #motherhood_magic, we would love to have you!

The weather is starting to pick up and get a little warmer, I can’t wait to get to more UK beaches this year, we want to get to as many as we can, and will be sharing them too. Do you know of any hidden gems?

My Little Wildlings:
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