A Day in the Life.
Just one day.
I’ve met so many people during my time blogging, most have been amazing! I’ve grown to love a handful of women, not in a creepy stalker way (well, a little) but like sisters. It’s so hard to meet ‘friends’ when you get older, then add kids, time constraints, work, late nights and distance… It gets tough and parenting can be such a lonely place.
I met Amber, from Meet the Wildes on Instagram. If you don’t know who she is, where have you been? She has TWO sets of twins. Here was me just about coping with 4 kids and she has FOUR UNDER 3! But, I digress, I met her on Instagram, we became quick friends with twins and a love of photography in common. We chat pretty much every day and share tips, tricks and little bits of motherhood the other might find useful.
Well, the little smarty pants set a challenge to shoot a Day in the Life with the kids, along with Kaye & Kirsty.
That’ll teach me to tell her I hadn’t picked up my ‘big’ camera in over a week.
We had planned to go pumpkin picking over the weekend so wanted to share our day with you. I took over 500 photos.
By the end of the day I couldn’t put my camera down and it was the loveliest kick up the backside I’ve had in a while. It’s totally inspired me. I found myself standing back, watching waiting. Trying to catch those little glances, looks of concentration and forgetting the posed shots. I wasn’t getting annoyed that kids were running off when I wanted a shot of them altogether.
I just let it be and I adored it.
So, here is our Day in the Life…
You can see the Day in the Life from
Amber – Meet The Wildes
Kaye – Hello Archie
Kirsty – Life With Boys
Thanks Ladies, I had the BEST time! xo
View Comments (2)
Gorgeous shots as always lovely! I'm in love with your pumpkin patch photos and your brood. Please give me all the tips (are these VSCO filters? I love that app!). xo
Stunning photos, stunning family. Xxx