Categories: Love Lists

Love List | Autumn #1

Well, the amount of time it’s taken me to write this, it’s actually here.
The moment Ruby’s birthday comes around, there’s a crisp little nip in the air and the cosy jumpers are being dusted off, the heating is being clicked on and soups are simmering away on the stove.

Autumn is so here.

Summer has officially gone.  Gone are the days of barefoot on the grass, topless kids running through sprinklers, water fights and enjoying dinner al fresco on a beautiful warm evening.
I jest, we didn’t get any of those, because ‘summer’ doesn’t exist in Edinburgh.  Its like some sort of myth or fairy tale we only get to read about in books or see on other peoples Instagram feeds.  But Autumn?  We’ve got that bad boy covered.

Edinburgh becomes this amazing landscape filled with burnt oranges and deep reds.  The ground becomes covered in a carpet of leaves, that have that perfect crunch sound as you wander through the park with a coffee, snuggled in layers of chunky knitwear.

What I’m Reading:
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
I rarely get a chance to read.  Theres always something more important that needs done and I get the guilt if I sit and have something other than a cloth in my hand.  But, hopefully… I’ll get past chapter 3 this time!

What I’m Watching:
Dr Foster, BBC1 drama/Netflix
I watch a lot of tv while I edit and blog, I’d heard this was good from a few friends and the first episode had me hooked!

What I’m Listening too:
Giovana Fletcher, Happy Mum Happy Baby
it’s like sitting having a chinwag with your friends.  While they chat, and you clean…
It’s also lovely to know that even celebrities have mum struggles.  We really aren’t alone!

Where I’m Going:
BlogCamp on Board.  I’m looking forward to meeting a whole bunch of new parent bloggers.  I’m totally throwing myself in there this year and loving it so far!
Then, Milan for our 10 year wedding anniversary, so very excited!

Who I’m loving:
Amber, from Meet The Wildes is currently one of my favorite people right now (and always).
And I finally get to meet her next week at the blogcamp event!!

My Little Wildlings:
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