A few small changes | Working from home.

Today is back to school day, I love having the kids off and being able to pop off on an toaty wee adventure whenever we please, but the lack of routine, late nights, early mornings and constant snacking throws everyone off.  It can take a while to get back into the routine properly.

This morning wasn’t so bad, everyone got up, rubbing sleepy eyes and putting their school dresses while still half asleep and buttoning up their shirts wrong.  Socks were inside out and it was a wee bit of a rush trying to find water bottles, but we made it.  I decided against a cafe for work today.  The wind was howling and the rain is the heaviest we’ve seen the entire festive break.  We were pretty lucky with the weather but today was not a day to be out.

I stayed home and decided to write some notes, plan some proper work hours and grabbed a hot water bottle.  No amount of tea is keeping me cosy today and getting back into my jammies after the school run was possibly one of the worst things I could have done.  I think staying motivated when you work from home, alone, is one of the toughest parts of being self employed.  Theres no one to come and switch off Nextflix or take the biscuits away, you have to have the determination to do it for yourself and be as productive as you can in that little block of time you are alone.  I’m always stuck between getting the work done, catching up on the washing pile or cleaning the kitchen.  I do a little bit of each task and none ever really get finished.

I’m really bad at wishing I had time to read a book but I can flicking through instagram for 2 hours, just mindlessly scrolling or meeting friends for coffee on work days instead of getting things done.  It’s not that I don’t have time, it’s a case of not using it correctly.  I procrastinate better than anyone I know and I avoid stuff until the very last minute.  So this year, I’ve set myself work hours and set days, I’ve got a list of things to do before I can mess around on Instagram and potter around.

Whats your top tips for working from home?

My Little Wildlings:
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