Childhood Unplugged | Simple Living

I crave to have a minimalist, all white, clutter free home.  With spots of colour, carefully arranged books in beautiful tones, that match my cosiest blankets.
But I have a serious issue with clutter and ‘pretty little things’.  I love little hanging hearts, cute little tea light holders and lots of flowers.

I am the same with photographs.  I love a cluster of fabrics and textured layers, in locations full of wild beauty.

Simplifying things can redirect your focus and remind you why you did things in the first place.
I started photographing to capture moments of happiness, little smiles and the sheer joy of Ruby, well being Ruby.  No iPad, no tv, not even any toys.  Just a white sheet on my bed infront of the window.  With a little appearance from Poppy Cat too.

In 2013 I was lucky enough to be nominated and in the finals for ‘Best Photography’ Blog at the Mad Blog Awards.  I got to attend a swish little dinner and meet some amazing mummy & daddy bloggers.  It’s such an honour just to be nominated along side some of these amazing bloggers.  If you have a moment and would like to nominate me for this years awards, you can do so here: Mads 2015, Ruby & I would both be thrilled!  Nominations close Friday 15th May.

(I’m also looking for a sponsor for a blogging event in June if any lovely companies are interested).

I’m taking part in so many lovely projects this year that pushes me to bust out the big camera.  Since having the twins, the dynamic of our family has changed.  I’m finding my feet as a mother of 3 & simplifying everything seems the only way forward right now.  Everything seems like such chaos.
So, Go back.  Start at the beginning.  And remind yourself why you started, it might just change where your heading.

1 Comment

  1. Reply

    Mandy Charlton

    May 14, 2015

    Adorable photos, I love that you call it your big camera, I noticed Lucy uses the same term, I’m exactly the same! I also have a black and white cat called Poppy though she’s got long hair and she’s over 100 in cat years! Have you read “Stuffocation” I think you would really like it, it’s all about getting rid of stuff (I’m a total hoarder) and being an experientialist!

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